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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Games as the Play of Simulation - Ch 27

-Simulation is at the intersection of representation and dynamic systems
-Game system generates representations from a player’s interaction with the game, these procedural representations: representations are the raw material that constructs the simulations.
-Games are dynamic systems that construct representation through play.
-Robinet describes video games as mimicing real-world phenomena, hence as simulation
simulation: procedural representation of aspects of reality
      represents something an actual situation, a circumstance from real life or an imaginary situation.

Any game can be considered as simulation. E.g. Tetris simulates gravity, Pong simulates table tennis.
Procedural representations: formal and experiential elements of the game to create representation that emerges out of the procedures of the game play.
can be an emergent result of a player’s interactions
can arise from the AI
can be expressive core mechanic that references a particular action outside of the game

Represented conflict:
territorial conflict: simulation of a conflict over territory, players strategically place their units to capture enemies and gain ground, e.g. Chess
economic conflict: simulation of a conflict over a unit of value. A economy of a game is usually limited.
conflict over knowledge: Inherently cultural, conflict lies in the cultural space outside of the game. Outcome of an action depends on whether player  knows the right answer.

Simulations are abstractions: can never fully represent every facet of the subject. So they are abstractions.
Simulations are systems: a whole made up of smaller interrelated parts (a game). Meaning emerges from the interaction of these elements.
Simulations are numerical: reducible to a formal, numerical structure - that’s why it is difficult to simulate social, psychological phenomenas in the game.
Simulations are limited: because they are numerical abstractions, they are intrinsically limited. - doesn’t mean it will constrain the players’ experience.

Why generalized structure for a simulation is better than case-based structure:
-decreases work time: more flexible for a large game.
-increases emergence: more flexibility creates greater emergence
-increases play options: flexibility leads to emergence, emergence leads to more options for the play

Balanced approach: case-based and generalized
emulation: case-based
One could use case based approach because generalized can become too complex and might not save time.
Generalized can be ambiguous and fuzzy

Reality vs Simulation
When players interact with a simulation they know it is not the real thing.

Metacommunication: communication about communication (Bateson)
makes it clear that play is a game that puts the player in a double consciousness
magic circle is the space where the paradox becomes meaningful.
games action takes place in real life but they are in a game so they are simulated actions.

Immersive Fallacy: the idea that the pleasure of a media experience lies in its ability to sensually transport the participant into illusory, simulated reality.
this reality becomes so true that the frame disappears and the participant starts thinking he is in an imaginary world.
-a game should put the player in a condition, where he forgets that he is in a designed entertainment, a game, but instead thinks that by playing the game, he is experiencing reality.
immediacy: the ability to authentically reproduce the world and create an alternative reality
hypermediacy: media reminds the audience that it is constructed and artificial.
remediation: an experience of media in which immediacy and hypermediacy(two opposite elements) co-exist.

Three layers of game player’s consciousness:
- character: representation in a game
- player: engagement with the game as player
- person: existence in larger social context as person


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