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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Magic Circle - ROP Ch 9

ROP - The Magic Circle

What does it mean to enter the system of a game?
Everygame has a start and an end, it exists within a frame: that communicates the players that a game is being played, and that the space of the play is separate in some way from that of the real world. 

This frame is safety according to Chris Crawford's desciption of game. It is a relationship between the artificial world of the game and the real life. 
This frame is the Magic Circle, the boundary of the game space, and within this boundary the rules of the game play out and have authority.

Is game world closed(self contained world inside) or opened(permitting interchange between the game and the world beyond its frame)? 
The answer depends on the way the games are framed: 

- if the games are considered as rules, then the game is closed, no interaction with anything from outside of the game's frame. 

- if the games are considered as play, then the players get involved, so does their social relationships, their likes and dislikes, hence the game is opened. 
However, we can also focus on the play behaviours that are intrinsic to the game and the game becomes closed in this case. 

- if the games are considered as culture, then the game is extremely open, because the focus is on the way that the game exchanges meaning with culture at large.

Lusory Attitude: According to Bernard Suit, it is to decide to play a game. It is a shared attitude toward the act of game playing, an openness to the possibility of taking such indirect means to the accomplish a goal


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