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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Games as Systems of Conflict - Ch 20

-struggle among players to achieve a goal and become the winner creates the game’s system of conflict.

-conflict can be direct or indirect.
arm wrestling, direct
skating contest, indirect

-game’s space of possibility is a space of possible conflict
playing a game involves navigating and exploring degrees of conflict
rich space of possibility makes it more meaningful for the players

Competition and Cooperation:
competition: when players struggle against each other in an artificial conflict
e.g. zero-sum games, one wins, other loses
-player’s actions are integrated into the game, in meaningful play, this is dependent on a competitive nature of games
cooperation: conflict occurs in games whether directly between players or whether players work together against the conflict
-playing a game means cooperatively take action in a game, communicating with other players.
paradox: conflict occurs within the magic circle, while the players cooperatively playing to create a competition for their own amusement

Goal of a game:
-another essential component for games
-space of possibilities is in between two points: beginning and end point - goal is the end point, once reached game is over
-goals are not the only reason people play games, they also play for social interaction, cultural change, etc
Level playing field of conflict: game system is intrinsically equitable, the conflict is fair. Game contest takes place on a level playing field, which doesn’t favor one side or another.


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