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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Design factors for educationally effective animations and simulations

Plass, J.L., Homer, B., & Hayward, E. (2009). Design Factors for Educationally Effective Animations and Simulations. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 21(1), 31-61.

Dynamic visuals vs. Static images:
Dynamic visual environments’ educational effectiveness depends on multitude of design considerations involved in development of effective visual materials for learning.
According to Hoffler and Leutner’s studies, dynamic visualizations are more effective than static images when dynamic visualizations are representational rather than decorative, and also when the target knowledge is procedural motor knowledge rather than declarative knowledge.

Visual perception and cognitive processing of visual information:
Because only a small amount of visual information is available to the retina can be processed, objects compete for representation and processing. The outcome of this competition determines which objects are perceived and defines the visual attention.

Dual coding theory: compares concurrent processing of info in both verbal (system for verbal info) and non-verbal (system for images) systems with processing it in one system only.

Cognitive load theory: how processing of information and constructing knowledge works in a limited working memory resources. Three types of load: Intrinsic(inherent complexity of info), extraneous(unnecessary processing of unrelated info), germane(mental effort to understand)

Cognitive theory of multimedia learning: suggests that learners first select relevant info and then organize it into coherent verbal and visual mental representation, then integrate these with one another, and with prior knowledge.

Integrated model of text and picture comprehension: cognitive processing relies on multiple memory systems with limited capacity. Schnotz distinguishes processing of symbolic info and iconic info, which results in the mental models: depictive (visualozation, iconic) and descriptive(symbolic, textual).

Multimedia principle: Comprehension and transfer are enhanced when text is accompanied by pictures compared when text alone.
Modality principle: When text and visualizations are presented together, learners experience higher cognitive load, and less understanding of the material when text is visually presented compared to as narrative.

Design principles for effective dynamic visualization

Visual design principles:
Split-attention principle: where learners split their attention in between e.g. movie with subtitles.
To avoid this effect, designers can integrate the sources and arrange the timing of their presentations.

Contiguity principle:  how presented related information close to one another, enhances learning by reducing visual search tasks.
Spatial contiguity principle: spatial arrangement of the information
Temporal contiguity principle: timing of the presentations

Cueing principle (Signaling): addition of design elements direct the learner’s attention to the important aspect of the learning material.

Representation type of information:
An emerging key principle for designing dynamic visualizations is representing in iconic form rather then only in symbolic form.

According to the Cognitive Load Theory processing depictive info requires less mental effort than descriptive because depictive info by definition relates directly to their referent, but descriptive info needs to be interpreted.

Written vs pictorial instructions for building molecular models: for simple material  molecular models, both were effective in the same amount. But for complex molecules, pictorial was more effective because the pictorial representation reduces cognitive load ,freeing cognitive resources and allowing student to solve complex tasks.

Simulation of Kinetic Theory of Heat, Symbolic vs Iconic: under high cognitive load, iconic representation improved the overall understanding

Color Coding: using color to highlight important features if the visual displays and to draw connections between multiple sources of information hence resulting in reductions in working memory and search demands. e.g colorful maps.
Color coding can eliminate the split-attention effect.

Integration of multiple dynamic visual representation:  Integrated and dynamically linked are the most effective among the other representations: 1) separate and dynamically linked, 2) separate and non-linked.

Interaction design principles:
Three levels of interactivity, 1) control of the delivery (click on a button),  2) manipulation of the content (setting parameters), 3) control of the representation (rotating an object)

Research about interactive simulations show that control over the representation of the info help learner comprehend better.

Learner control-segmenting principle: describes how learners’ comprehension of material is better when they can control the segmented presentation rather than continuous presentation.

Guided-discovery principle: Guidance decreases the extraneous cognitive load demands on the learnerby supporting the learners’ abilities to organize and integrate new info. Feedback is another form of guidance discovery based learning.

Learner control-pacing: learning is improved when learners are given control over the pacing of information.(start, pause, stop).

Task appropriateness: Efficiacy of a simulation depends on the degree on which it is in line with learning objectives, so they can prepare the learner for future tasks. Visualizations should have a interpretational nature.

Manipulation of  content: Learning from visualizations is improved when learners have the ability to manipulate the content. According to the ideal gas law experiment,  manipulation level interactivity increased learners’ germane cognitive load compared to  providing only control over pacing of the materials.

Future research :
-needs to ask questions for specific dynamic visualizations, instead of looking at animations, and simulations in general.
-needs more systematic approach rather than current theoretical approach.
-interaction design needs a detailed typology  of levels of interactivity
-should investigate the cognitive load related questions of visual aspects of the model progression.
-should focus on information design:
How to improve information design:  we need to better integrating results from visual perception and visual cognition. We need to link neuroscience, visual attention, cognitive load and learning, visual representations and emotions in learning.

The research in this paper have to be connected with work in the area of neuroscience and cognition.


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