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Friday, December 9, 2011

Narrative Models of Action and Interaction

de Beaugrande, R., & Colby, B. N. (1979). Narrative models of action and interaction. Cognitive Science, 3, 43-66

Stories  must have well-formedness conditions statable in abstract grammar (Mandler & Johnson)
Cycles of episodes, as event plus reaction, an exposition, complication and resolution, a series of acts and their results

-How story structures relate to story-telling rules and story comprehension processes
Human actions are controlled by PLANS toward the attainment of GOALS
Implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires are inherently problematic because:
1- various goals of a character can conflict with each other
2- goals of different characters can conflict 
Narrated world: a progressive system in which events and actions occur and bring about changes from one state to the next.
:discourse evoked pair of states with an intervening action or event link
Interesting narrative: evoking a world in which  the action or event changes the initial state to the goal state is not so Obvious
-Knowledge is processed differently according to the perspective in  which the narrator of a story presents it.
-Protagonist character: if the audience shares the same values according to character's plans or goals
-Antagonist character: if the audience rejects the values according to character's plans or goals
Rules and continuity of state and action
Problem solving: narrator links up the initial ans terminal states of a story via a pathway audience will not easily anticipate - audience will try to solve characters' problems in terms of their own personal strategies - harder the problem, greater the energy expanded on story comprehension
Enjoying listening to same stories over and over: 1-processing depth, knowledge of global structures of a narrative might not be on the same processing depth : audience knows the global data but rediscovers new local data each time 2- if they process narrated worlds in terms of state-action with branching alternatives, then they recompute the consequences of actions and reactions all over - reconstructing alternative states


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