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Monday, October 31, 2011

Usability engineering: process, products, and examples

Leventhal, L. M., & Barnes, J. A. (2008). Usability engineering: process, products, and examples. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, pp. 67-74.

Factors influencing user reaction and usability: situational characteristics, user characteristics, and characteristics of the user interface.
Analysis: activity of understanding and breaking down of a problem ->task analysis:understanding user tasks at a high and a detailed level
>Specification: documenting and describing in detail ->task specification: the documentation of your understanding of the user's task.
Strategies to analyze user's problem:
  • Use Case Analysis: construction of use case models in Unified Soft. Dev. Process.
    Use cases: expected functionality of a target system - use case model documets how the target system will interact with people and systems
  • Sequence diagrams: step by step description of how the task is to be done Activity diagrams: workflow necessary to accomplish use case
  • Analysis Using Scenarios: SBD- scenario based development
  • Scenarios are stories that are detailed and contain descriptions of user's plans and goals, and description of tasks they will accomplish
  • Hierarchical Task Analysis: understanding user's tasks by decomposing them into the detailed subtasks that define them.


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