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Sunday, May 20, 2012

How Children Construct Understanding of Science

What is Understanding?
inert knowledge: learner lacks the connection and relationship of between ideas and cannot apply the knowledge into appropriate situations.
Instead of inert knowledge, students have to develop integrated, meaningful understanding.
Understanding is a function of knowledge accumulation and knowledge integration.
Four types of understanding:
1- Inert knowledge, disconnected, unusable fragments of knowledge
2- some accumulated knowledge, integrated
3- accumulated knowledge but little integration
4- accumulated knowledge and developed integrated understanding
Types of knowledge:
Content: central concepts, principles and theories . e.g. force - Newton's first law of motion
Procedural: is necessary to find solutions to problems, e.g. knowing how and when to control variables
Metacognitive: knowledge about cognition, awareness of one's own cognition:
  • strategic knowledge: e.g knowing how to use search terms to find something on Google
  • knowledge of cognitive tasks: e.g understanding that data analysis might include  transforming the data into a different representation
  • self-knowledge: knowing one's own weaknesses and strength in learning
Models of Teaching
1- Transformational: supporting students to make sense of material, e.g Project-based science
2 -Receptional: transmitting info and students receiving it
Social Construction of Knowledge

Stages of the 5E Instructional Model

What teacher does
  • Stage 1: Engagement
pick students' interest
determine prior knowledge
invite students to ask their own questions
  • Stage2: Exploration
Encourage student to student interaction
Observe students' interaction
Ask probing questions to redirect the students’ investigation and to make sense of their experiences
Give time for students to think through
  • Stage 3: Explanation
Let student to use their data and experience to explain
Ask questions to help them express
Provide time for them to compare ideas
Introduce terminology when student shows interest
  • Stage 4: Elaboration
Encourage student to use their experience for a new event
Reinforce students to use the terms they learned while explaining
Ask questions to help students draw conclusions
  • Stage 5: Evaluation
Observe students' interaction
Let them compare ideas
Interview students to assess their understanding
Encourages students to assess their own progress
What student does
  • Stage 1: Engagement
Express curiosity
think about what they already know about this
  • Stage 2: Exploration
mess around materials
investigate and try different ways to find answers
compare ideas with others
  • Stage 3: Explanation
explain using their own words based on their experience
interact with others
record their understandings
  • Stage 4: Evaluation
Make connections between new and past experiences
Use what they have learned to explain a new event
Use scientific terms and descriptions
  • Stage 5: Evaluation
Demonstrate what they understand
Compare their understanding with others and revise if necessary
Assess their own progress by comparing their current understanding with their prior knowledge
Ask new questions tfor deep understanding

Perfromance Objectives

Students will be able to (SWBAT)   +  Power Verb          +               Specific description of    assess                                      what the students
combine                 will know or will be able to do